Martha is a woman of the Gospel.
Let us introduce you to the Martha who inspires us. She...
tells the truth
Martha welcomes Jesus and his disciples with gracious hospitality but is frustrated with her sister Mary not helping her. Jesus reminds her:
"Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing."
Luke (10:35-42)

loves God
lives in hope
challenges and risks
At the Lazarus deathbed, Martha declares her faith in Jesus:
"You are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world"
John (11:1-44, 12:1-9)
Through time, folklore and art captured in legendary form the life of Martha and her cult developed.
(Image in public domain)
Legend: Martha, expelled from Palestine after the death of Jesus, landed in Marseilles and shared Good News with the people of her newfound home.
She is the symbol of maturity, strength, common sense, and concern for others.
(Image in public domain)
Legend: Martha taming a fierce dragon by holding up a cross and sprinkling it with holy water.
In the early 50s, a new, contemporary image arose. Martha, as depicted in statue, stands erect carrying a jar of oil, symbolic of the service of healing, hospitality, and blessing.
How is Saint Martha relevant today?
Saint Martha holds a pivotal and sacred place in the heart of our Congregation.
In choosing to live the Martha way of life, we are inspired by her loving relationship with Jesus, her spirit of welcoming hospitality, her courage in the face of difficulties and her compassionate presence in service to all.
Listen to our hymn "Martha, Woman of God" written by Sister Mary Gouthro in 1998. It is sung at Congregation gatherings.

O Blessed St. Martha,
who had the happiness of
serving the Divine Master
in your own home at Bethany,
obtain for us the grace to serve
God with love and fidelity.
May we share in the faith
which enabled you to recognize
Christ as the Son of God.
May our hope be as strong as yours
when you trusted Him,
even though He seemed to fail you.
And may our love of God grow and
be expressed, as was yours,
in loving service of others.
St. Martha, model of all who
desire to serve God in
faith, hope and love,
obtain for us the grace
of final perseverance.