Solitude and Silence
As part of our Charism of Gospel Hospitality, we wish to create a space for individuals to experience God in solitude. Solitude and silence allow for a new hearing and healing from the stillness and deep connections to God through the beauty and wonder of the universe. In the stillness, we find the space to experience God and to encounter ourselves in a deeper way. This enables us to become open to the transformation that is offered to us all.
Our two Hermitages, nestled on the edge of Bethany property, are surrounded by old growth forest, beautiful gardens, and contemplative trails. Their pastoral setting provides an opportunity for wildlife viewing, communing with nature, and a place of solitude and peace. They are simply designed, yet modern and efficient, fully furnished, and conducive to contemplation. The hermitages are named Ruah and Sophia. Both names were chosen to be reflective of the hermitage experience. Explore our Hermitages Photo Album.

Sophia means 'Wisdom' in Greek; it is a place for Wisdom to make herself known to us, to find perfect understanding and peace of mind.

Ruah means 'Breath of Life' in Hebrew; it is a place to breathe and to have new life breathed into us.
As a Congregation, our Charism is Gospel Hospitality, which involves welcoming the stranger and providing openness and acceptance to all who come to one of our sacred spaces. It is our prayerful wish that all who enter through our doors, return safely home to the places and people among whom they live - renewed, refreshed and enveloped in God’s grace.
- Reservations are required.
- A minimum stay of 3 nights is required. The maximum stay is 30 days.
- Unfortunately, pets cannot be accommodated.
- All buildings, Bethany Centennial Garden, and contemplative trails on Bethany property are smoke-free.
- Spiritual direction is not available at this time.
$1500/ month
$50 deposit is required at the time of booking
To arrange your stay at a hermitage contact us at