As a Sister

As a Sister

Am I being called?

Do You...

  • Desire to deepen your relationship with God?
  • Recognize yourself in our Martha Charism of Gospel Hospitality and are interested in living out our mission? 
  • Desire to live community?

Are You...

  • A 25-50-year-old single woman with no responsibility for minor children?
  • An active member of the Catholic Church?
  • In good physical and mental health?

How do I know if God is calling me?


  • Pray for guidance
  • Listen to your heart
  • Be open to God's will for you
  • Know your values
  • Be in touch with your desires
  • Name your fears
  • Pay attention to your past experiences
  • Talk with others who know you well
  • Gather information
  • Make a list of advantages and disadvantages
  • Decide and trust in God
  • Are your free in your decision?
  • Are you at peace?
  • How does it feel "deep down"?
  • Look for confirmation for your decision

Source: Stepping into Discernment Card, NAVFD

Becoming a Vowed Member: Building Relationship with Us

Inquiry and Contact

To begin the Martha Journey with us contact us at



There are two phases to the Pre-Novitiate, formal and informal.

Informal: A time to get to know each other and build mutuality and relationship. This time includes the following activities:

  • Spiritual direction
  • Faith development
  • Reflection on Ministry
  • Regular meeting with a Martha Companion

Formal : A time to further deepen the relationship with the Marthas in the context of a Martha Community (at least nine months). This time includes the following activities:

  • Living and participating in a community of Marthas
  • Entering into service, including paid part-time work
  • Opportunities to deepen mutuality and relationship with the Marthas
  • Introduction to others seeking to enter a Congregation within the Sisters of Charity Federation



A time to deepen the process of initiation into religious life as a Sister of St. Martha under the guidance of the Director, Novitiate Process. This two-year process includes the following:

During Year 1:

  • There is more intense time and opportunity for the novice to deepen her life through understanding and integration of:
    - Prayer, reflection, and apostolic spirituality,
    - Religious vowed life as a radical and prophetic way of Gospel living,
    - The charism, history, spirituality, Constitutions and Directives in the context of Christ’s life and mission and in relationship with the Sisters of St. Martha,
    - Experiences in collaborative formation programs with the Sisters of Charity Federation.
  • The novice continues to discern her call to be a contemplative in action as a Sister of St. Martha.

During Year 2:

  • The novice continues to integrate her life of prayer, community, vows and ministry.
  • She continues to deepen her living and understanding of religious life as prophetic witness to Christ.
  • She continues to deepen her understanding and connection within the Sisters of Charity Federation through collaborative programs and experiences.
  • She enters a more intense preparation for First Commitment of Vows if mutual discernment leads in this direction.
First Profession

First Profession

A time of 3-5 years in duration of continued immersion and integration into the life, mission, and spirit of the Sisters of St. Martha. Activities include:

    • Time of discernment by the Sister and the Congregation.
    • Entering into service and/or study in preparation for service.
    • Continued collaboration and deepening of relationship with the Federation.
    • Theological studies.

One year prior to perpetual profession, following a formal request, the Sister enters a more intense period of preparation.

Perpetual Profession

Perpetual Profession

A time when you dedicate your entire life to God and God’s people through the ministry of Gospel Hospitality as a member to the Sisters of St. Martha, praying always for the Grace to live this.

Meet A Few Marthas

Sr. Franklyn Ferguson
Why am I a Martha?
Sr. Franklyn FergusonView PDF
Sr. Claire MacNeil
Why was this congregation right for me?
Sr. Claire MacNeilView PDF
Why did I stay a Martha?
Sr. Claudette GallantView PDF
What has vowed life been like for me?
Sr. Jovita MacPhearsonView PDF

Why am I a Martha?

Resources on Religious Vocation and Life