Welcome to Martha Justice Ministry Blog!
Darlene O’Leary, Coordinator of Martha Justice Ministry: Embracing our Neighbour and our Common Home, together with the Core Group, assists CSM Leadership, local communities, Associates, and others who are interested in deepening the Martha commitment to the ideals of Catholic Social Teaching, the Living Universe Story and Living in Right Relationships.
On behalf of the Sisters of St. Martha, she is an advocate for social and ecological justice issues, responding on the global, national, regional and local levels. She often works on collaborative campaigns with various like-minded organizations, represents the congregation at national or international conferences such as COP-15, and participates in public events related to social and ecological justice. In her role as SC Federation UN Liaison, she regularly attends UN meetings.
We invite anyone who is interested in staying informed and updated during events and campaigns that are important to the congregation to read this blog! Darlene will keep you in the loop!

UN Commission for Social Development (CSoCD62)
Fri, Mar 8th, 2024
While a heavy winter storm prevented our MJM representation from getting the full experience of UN Commission for Social Development (CSoCD62), I was able to get a sense that it was an important gathering that strongly reinforced the importance of civil society engagement on social policy issues.

Martha Justice Ministry 2023 Highlights
Wed, Dec 20th, 2023
When I think about the past year for Martha Justice Ministry, I’m amazed! We have been part of so many networks, coalitions, campaigns, and events this year, all responding to needs in our communities and our world.

Jimmy Walters, UN Federation NGO, in Antigonish
Tue, Jun 27th, 2023
On the week of June 12-16, the Marthas hosted the Sisters of Charity Federation Leadership Gathering at St. Francis Xavier University. Jimmy Walters, the UN NGO Representative for the Federation was invited to join in some of the discussions, and I had the fun task of being Jimmy’s chauffeur and tour guide for some of that time. Apart from some flight challenges (and lost luggage), it was a wonderful experience!

JPIC Atlantic/Religious of Atlantic Canada Conference – May 2023
Thu, May 25th, 2023
On May 18-21, several Marthas and members of the Martha Justice Ministry Core Group participated in the joint Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Religious of Atlantic Canada (RAC) conference in Halifax. The event was called “The Word Beyond: A Conference with Ilia Delio.”

COP15 Reflection
Mon, Feb 6th, 2023
Darlene is reflecting on her participation in the UN Conference on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal in December 2022.