Martha New Growers Program focuses on vegetable production that is economically viable and environmentally friendly.
The program is intended to teach young people the skills of small-scale market gardening. Participants learn hands-on all the basic steps: crop planning, spoil preparation, planting and maintaining crops, storage and selling.
2011 - Sister Florence Kennedy, inspired by the documentary “Dirt! The Movie”, wondered how to connect the Bethany property, once a flourishing farm operated by the Sisters, with Martha values of with Martha values of collaboration, service, justice and stewardship as well as the congregation's commitment to empowering the development of people, sharing the resources, and living in a right relationship with the land. Together with Sister Donna Brady, they explored the idea of putting in place a vegetable garden that would attract youth passionate about gardening. collaboration, service, justice and stewardship.
2013 - Sisters of St. Martha provided a 1 acre plot and engaged Jen and David Greenberg, two experienced organic gardeners, as managers and mentors of the newly established apprenticeship program. The soil was prepared and the infrastructure for season extension put in place.
2014 - The first participants, Michael Overmars and Sean Saunders, learnt organic gardening.
2017 - Sisters opened another acre to allow for more growers.
Between 2013-2025, seventeen young people participated in Martha New Growers Program, gaining experience and confidence in running a farm business.
Read more about Martha New Growers